Just saw this very interesting scythe video series on YouTube, posted by Almwirtshaft Probably more interesting if you speak German, but a lot can be learned from the visuals. About Almwirtschaft ( I'll translate this later): "Almwirtschaft in Österreich ist seit jeher stark von Brauchtum und Tradition geprägt. Vieles davon ist mittlerweile aber in Vergessenheit geraten und somit unwiederbringlich verloren gegangen. Um diesem Wissensverlust Einhalt zu gebieten, wurden traditionelle Handwerkstechniken in der Almwirtschaft in mehreren Kurzfilmen für die Nachwelt dokumentiert und stehen nun via Youtube einem möglichst breiten Kreis zur Verfügung."
I am often asked this question. Watch the video below, and decide for yourself. It was posted on YouTube by Handmaelcher. It shows alpine hay making in Engelberg, Switzerland. Here is a vintage gem, filmed prior to 1950, showing how they mowed and made hay with a scythe in Mittelberg, Austria. It was posted on YouTube by feworieser. (If the music is too overwhelming you can click the volume button and mute it, and watch it as the silent film it was probably made to be.)
It shows what the traditional mowing with an Austrian scythe was like, before mowing with a side-shift. It also shows peening with a tall anvil, honing (Austrian style), and some very impressive technique with spreading the cut vegetation with a hayfork at 2:12. It also shows how they brought the hay to the barn with a garden cart, and bundling the hay with rope for carrying on the back from areas to steep for a cart. Most interestingly to me, at 3:34 and at 5:00, it shows how the traditional Austrian hay drying racks are used. |
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March 2023